About the OTIT

About the OTIT (Organization for Technical Intern Training)

The Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) is a legal entity approved by competent ministers (the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare) and established on 25th January 2017.

The OTIT aims to promote international cooperation by transferring skills, technology, or knowledge in Japanese industries to developing countries through human resource development, ensuring proper technical intern training and protection of technical intern trainees.

The main functions of the OTIT are as follows:

・Accrediting technical intern training plans

・Requesting reports from implementing organizations and supervising organizations, and conducting           on-site inspections

・Receiving notifications from implementing organizations

・Preliminary screening of license applications

・Consulting from and assisting technical intern trainees

・Assisting trainees in changing their training sites

・Researching on the Technical Intern Training Program


Organization chart


Address (Main Office): LOOP-X 3F, 3-9-15, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

TEL(main Office):+81-3-6712-1523(representative)



令和れいわ年度ねんど 帰国後技能実習生きこくごぎのうじっしゅうせいたいする支援実態等調査しえんじったいとうちょうさ概要がいよう

FY2020 Survey on Assistance to Technical Intern Trainees after Returning Home Countries(Summary)(Attachment 2)


